xMartinox Andrà Tutto Bene Artwork e testo Everything will be alright

Everything will be alright | artwork

No, we aren’t in this together! Everything will be alright is a tribute to MDC COVID-19 version

An updated version of the legendary artwork by MDC, Mult Death Corporation becomes covid 19. No, we aren’t in this together: punk hardcore has always screamed this, subverters before punk.

This plate is my contribution to the project #skullfromhome launched by the guys from Skull Society Tattoo Shop (Perugia). I think it is important to stay active and critical in this forced confinement. Painting, sharing ideas, is
a way to do it. Paying tribute to punk hardcore is mine.

I put on the skull the logos of some Corporations that will get enormous profit from this situation.
I hope you like it.

As Minor Threat say, « at least I can fucking think »


Why ? It is from MDC’s album!

Everything will be alright | Artwork and text by xMARTINOx

In order to stay active and critical, Radio Punk crew wants to express solidarity to the comrades affected by the repression, read more about ‘Operazione Ritrovo’ here.