tommaso palmieri photo quarantine

Quarantine Lights, a project by Tommaso Palmieri

A photographic project born in quarantine for the Covid-19 that tells the details on which many have found themselves observing in these long days locked up.

Quarantine Lights blossomed out of a paramount need for photographing and an additional need to portrait something worth being photographed.
Since I could not leave the house, not even to tell the emergency situation as many reporters were doing (thus dodging the risk of becoming an anonymous eye), I decided to focus on my daily reality.

I did not want to journal my quarantine and, while looking out for a workaround, the answer came to me unnoticed. As many others, I have had more than one minute to kill during this lockdown, despite all the studying, reading and leisure. So I decided to photograph the things that caught my attention: lights, reflections, shadows, and silhouettes.
This project sparked further reflection on how the ordinary rat race, which many deem normal, robbed me of my time, moments where I can focus on few, small details. I wanted to seize back these moments, that were taken away by our frenzy, capitalist society.

The selection of the lens was paired with intention: with a maximum excursion of 55mm, my zoom was the perfect tool to focus on few details, cutting off everything else.

Quarantine Lights is an ongoing project – with quarantine itself – and this is just the first selection, follow me on Instagram (@tchromeph_) to discover where the project will lead me.
Enough talking, welcome to this journey.